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Quality of Life is a major point of consideration for life in West Chester. Our Borough is already a wonderful place, but there is always room for improvement. My service as Interim Mayor, President of Borough Council, and Chair of the Public Safety Committee of the West Chester Borough Council uniquely qualifies me to ensure we increase our quality of life in the Borough.


In my positions, I successfully negotiated a paid and unarmed neighborhood watch, collaborating with West Chester University at zero cost to the Borough. We also championed the Community Campus Coalition, creating strong connections between different community and university sectors. In all my roles, I have worked diligently with the West Chester Police Department as a liaison between their service and the broader community.



As Mayor, I have developed the WCPD Diversity Task Force, and secured $20k from the Borough to continue this initiative. Our goal is to employ police officers from a diverse and equitable standpoint that is racially representative of the Borough. Likewise, we are developing a 5-year plan for the WCPD that will include diversity training and will evaluate the need for a social worker as an auxiliary support unit  in the WCPD.


Likewise, I aim to create a more permanent Open Air Market Place, transforming Gay St. into a bustling, lively pedestrian corridor, and vastly expanding opportunities for businesses and residents. 



We will continue the work of the WCPD Diversity Task Force, ensuring our Borough’s police reflect the population of West Chester. With this, we’ll push forward the implementation of the 5-year plan for WCPD. I am also working diligently to reinstate the unarmed neighborhood watch, in collaboration with West Chester University.


Switching our state street from Gay St. to Chestnut St. will free up opportunities for the pedestrian corridor in the business district, and will lead to higher business traffic. Coupled with the ease of vehicle traffic as a result of the Rail Service, these changes will grant a vast amount of economic and quality of life opportunities for West Chester.

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