West Chester Borough Council President, Ward 3
“I have had the pleasure of serving with Jordan when he was a fellow Member of Borough Council, the President of Borough Council, and in his two interim terms as Mayor of West Chester, and I wholeheartedly support Jordan as the next Mayor of West Chester. Jordan is the only candidate with the experience necessary to lead the Borough out of the pandemic while focusing on the matters that are most important to West Chester’s residents such as financial stability and accountability, reestablishing rail service to the Borough, and diversity in our police force. “
West Chester Green Team Co-Founder
"Jordan has been a long-term advocate for environmental initiatives including for clean air and water. Jordan cares, and he’s put in the work so our children can live healthy lives. I feel strongly that the next Mayor of West Chester should prioritize the environment, and Jordan has a track record of accomplishments to support environmental work during his tenure on Borough Council and as Interim Mayor. As a long-term environmental advocate and founder of several environmental organizations, I am proud to support Jordan Norley for Mayor of West Chester."

West Chester Borough Council Member, Ward 4
"Jordan is the best candidate for Mayor of West Chester. After taking over as interim Mayor for Carolyn Comitta, he effortlessly assumed the role as head of our Police Department and earned their respect. He is the only candidate that is taking a proactive stance pushing to better our community (and the surrounding communities) by championing the restoration of our rail service. He also is the only candidate who understands the quality of life issues many residents in the Borough, and especially in the southeast, face and has real solutions to address them."
Mayor, South Coatesville
"It is very important to VOTE for a mayor with common sense, the ability to look at the issues from all sides, and one who makes sound decisions that are best for all the citizens of the Borough of West Chester. Jordan is a mayor who is an experienced business leader and one who is dedicated to helping the community. It is clear to me the only candidate that is capable of leading the Borough of West Chester is my friend Jordan."

Committee to Re-Establish Rail Service to West Chester
"I have known Mayor Norley for many years and know him to be an enthusiastic supporter of the Borough of West Chester. He has been at the forefront of efforts to reestablish rail service to the Borough; I believe that he will work tirelessly on all issues important to residents of the Borough."
Local Business Leader
"I am happy to endorse Jordan Norley for Mayor of West Chester. I have known Jordan and his family for over 20 years. Jordan is a constant, caring, and devoted husband, father, and member of our community. Jordan has devoted tremendous thought and energy to projects and proposals that have wonderful potential for making the Borough more livable. For example, Jordan instituted the West Chester Railroad Committee in 2012, to work resolutely toward reinstitution of SEPTA railroad service into the center of the Borough. Jordan also has thrown his support whole-heartedly behind the project to close Gay Street between Matlack and Church, to create a pedestrian mall to the great benefit of restaurants, Bars, and local retail stores. As acting Mayor Jordan also has provided capable and supportive leadership to our Police Department... Perhaps most importantly, Jordan has a proven record of working well with Borough Council and the Borough Manager."

Small Business Owner
"I have known Jordan Norley for over 10 years. I know him as a neighbor, as my former representative on Borough Council, and as a collaborator in several projects to improve quality of life in West Chester’s 4th ward. I have watched Jordan pull multiple perspectives together into a workable solution, allowing as many as possible to provide input while maintaining focus on the problem at hand. I believe that this is the type of effective leadership that we need."